Saturday 3 September 2016

Permaculture Summarized concept Note.
 Permaculture is the sustainable system to repair agriculture or to implement permaculture Sustainable designed patterns, recycle and usage of all other natural environmental resources to create a sustainable production and harmonized settlement. BEU is built on the foundation of permaculture implementation at a standard of turning the exact problems into solution “the problem is the solution” permaculture is the way to go for sustainability in usage of resources to satisfy man’s needs and the economy because it creates direct and permanent employment opportunity.
Seasons have changed, drought, floods and others adverse effects of negligence of natural resources that maintain the balance and stability of nature have become more visible and the time is long overdue for sensitization to reverse this is long overdue. Many young leaders assume that the idea of climate change is a distant aspect of life that is for old people. It is therefore imperative that a platform is created to share information about the same and demonstrate how urgent the issue is and what they can do in their individual capacities and in groups to make the world better.
The changing climate and the increasing scarcity of resources ,has left many communities financially un stable , increased un employment ,scarcity of food , changing of seasons , drought ,poor soils and other related problems due to ignorance of man to give the right response on all these challenges ,  by actions, observing , experiencing and understanding. Permaculture disciplines are components of permaculture eco-system that provide permaculture Knowledge and technical knowledge on how to respond to the current global environment challenges in a mutual benefit of man and natural resource usage in a  harmonized manner. These disciplines enable one to be in position adopt permaculture principals and knowledge to establish permanent –sustainable Agriculture systems, resource usage to their full potential without harming the environment especially the fundamental components of soil and climate fundamental. You cut costs of investment, Harvest money, organic food, good climate in an efficient harmonized manner and acquire sustainable permanent skills.

approach to permaculture implementation is very fundamental especially when we target objectives of sustainability, the young people need to be at the front in engaging .

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